More recipes information and more, more, more!
INSPIRATIONS, Recipes, and More for getting more Living-Raw Foods into your Life. Take a Bite Out of Life and Eat More Raw Living Foods
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Posted by Fruity Green Family at 7:05 PM 147 comments
Labels: Monthly Fruity Green Family Video and Recipes
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 11:38 AM 1 comments
Why RAW FOODS? 1/10: Heat Kills!
This is #1 of the 10 part Why RAW FOODS? series! Find out the importance, the Whys of eating a living, plant-based, raw food diet or at least the whys of including as many raw foods into your daily diet!
Please feel free to email any questions you may have to So lets get get things heated up and not over 112 degrees!
I am constantly being asked how do you have so much energy? I reply, "If you are what you eat then I eat fresh living foods full of life, the results: more fresh life to give and receive!" So give yourself more life and eat more fresh live foods. The foods perfectly designed for your body begin with mothers milk and should naturally move to plants/fruits.
Mothers milk is designed perfectly for humans and the nutrient break down in human breast milk is approx 80% carbohydrates, 10% fats and 10% protein give or take a bit 1-2% on exact figures and depending on what the mothers diet is made up of. Mothers milk is served body temp and no heated is needed. Enzymes, vitamin, minerals, a many more nutrients are prefect for absorption in our beautiful human bodies. Past the age of 1 year as all the first molars come in soft sweet fruits are a perfect transition food for baby.
Human breast milk is sweet and so naturally babies will gravitate towards ripe sweet fruits like bananas, mangoes, and melons again no heated is needed the skin protects the fruit and once peeled the fruit inside is soft enough for babies to consume. Of course after 2 years or so more teeth are available and leafy greens, vegetables, and citrus can be added until a full range of plant based foods are available and delicious without the need for heat.
Why does heat do to your body? burn, kill, injure, dehydrate. Yes it can keep you warm but only when its cold, past 90 degrees or so the heat starts to dehydrate you. Over time in the heat your body begins to release water in an effort to cool you down. Eventually, without water your body begins to shut down and you can even die from dehydration. The next time you cook turn on the heat source (stove), put you pan on the burner, and then place a piece of vegetable or fruit in the pan and then really observe what is happening.
Raw-live unheated plant based foods provide you with:
1. Enzymes, vitamins, minerals, available for absorption quickly and easily for your body.
2. Leave you with more energy, from not having to break down the heated enzyme-less foods, to repair, rebuild and Play more.
3. Feeling light and feeling full. Have you ever noticed after eating a huge heated meal you can leave the table still feeling hungry. Your body can get very little nutrients from heated foods. More nutrients satiate your body and leave you feeling satisfied.
4. Keep your bowels flowing in a natural way.
5. Cure ailments? I don't believe in cures I just this believe when you take away what is causing the ailment to begin with things have a way of healing themselves. If I keep hitting myself in the arm can I wonder why my arm hurts, silly. I think what you stop eating and thinking are the two most important steps in the health equation.
I hope this is a start for you to understand the importance of getting the most fresh, live, raw plant-based foods into your diet. Life is a journey and the observation along the way is part of your journey. Take the time to observe your life, your health and ENJOY and come back for more information next week!
With Love and Inspiration on your health path,
Goddess Momma
A Fruity Green Family Cool Sweet Raw Treat:
Macaroon Rawkies (un-cookie, lol) or Raw Pie Crust
1 cup macadamia nuts
1 cup cashews
6 or more dates
1⁄4 tea cinnamon
1⁄4 cup shredded coconut
Optional: orange or lemon rind
Process in the food processor with “S” blade
until desired consistency.
Sweet Date Honey
1/4 cup coconut butter or oil
5 dates
Sea salt to taste
Orange Juice and orange rind to taste
Blend until creamy. Serve over cookies, pies, fruit, etc.
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 1:11 PM 0 comments
This month I doing a sort of Webinar for developing my new Raw Food web site through Site Build It! At first I was resisting creating a website to create connections with others, offer my personal information on my passion and create passive income. I was resistant because I did not understand the whole picture and I wanted to make sure I could still connect with others on a personal level.
Now because I have gained understanding and realized the fun and value in the Internet, how I CAN connect to many more people through a website I have become inspired and open to the learning process. I am finding it interesting how the search engines pick up Key Words and place your site in a Key Word search order. In the past I have been clueless to how this process works and now I am gaining this knowledge because now I am open to learning it, interested and I am excited to learn more. I am also inspired to learn the information so I can be apart of the information highway to my and others success!
From observing my young ones I gain a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me and how people learn. I realize that my children learn more when they are inspired most. For example I wanted Mitch, 9yrs and Carter 7yrs to get outside more and participate in more than just movies and video games. My favorite way to create change in my life is through logic and understanding. So I thought I could use logic and understanding to create a family forward change with a more balanced life diet. I first asked M & C how they would feel if all they ate was nuts and avocados all the time? They both said they would be very thirsty and after awhile possibly not like them anymore. I asked them if they both enjoyed eating a raw balanced diet like they do with fresh fruits, greens, veggies and avocados (nuts). They both agreed they loved it and loved the variety.
We went on to discuss if our lives might also benefit from a balanced diet of sun shine, playing out doors, and having other adventures along with video games and Movies? They both agreed and we even came up with an easy/flexible schedule so it was simple to get all of our mental stimulation diet in throughout the day. They have been pleased with the schedule and so am I, we went away with win win movement towards a family forward change!
Our roles in business and society are not much different than my relationship with my children. We can all look for create ways to inspire and respectively change for the better through understanding and love. When the best interest of everyone is one the table there is always a win win, we may just have to explore the possibilities in front of us. In the end everyone has a learning opportunity for growth and most importantly, we can all walk away feeling good.
Next time you want another to change, find a creative opportunity to inspire through understanding and LOVE!
With Love and Understanding for Forward Change,
goddess momma
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 7:55 PM 5 comments
Labels: Quick Thoughts
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 10:47 AM 0 comments
About 2 years ago I started realizing how important giving to and loving myself was! At the time I had been a stay at home mom with children for 17 years (or a mom plus part time job with children). I wanted to be the best mom I could and the story in my head was "to be, do anything and everything for your children and that is your life". For 6 years I had not done much without my babies and I did enjoy it for the most part, and yet I started to lose myself in my children, what was I going to be do once they were grown?
One day someone asked me what I was interested in and I was stumped. I had "forgotten who I was first before I put myself last". I had no idea who I was or what I liked, what were my interests beyond mothering? I started to look into myself and ask questions like who are you, what do you like to do, were would you like to go in life? It took some time and process to move towards were I am today, in love with myself and into giving to myself too.
What did I do?: I started to think about how I fell in love with my husband and my friends. I thought why not take myself out enjoy me and find out what I do love. So I did just that, I started treating myself as almost a separate person. I started going out on dates with myself, going to a movies and out to dinner. I started hugging myself and finding one thing at a time I just ENJOYED about myself "I have lovely eyes I just love my beautiful blue eyes". I asked my friends what they liked about me, what did I do to inspire our friendship "you are fun and creative" they would say and I could see how really beautiful I was inside and out. One day I said to my husband "I love who I am, creative, different, cool, fun, beautiful, I feel in love with myself and everyone and I feel great like I'm walking on sunshine"!
Benefits for myself, family and those around me: I was kinder, more loving, happier than ever and more creative. Each moment when I am giving to myself and loving myself I grow more into the true being I came on this universe to be and I can give all day long, authentically!!
You are amazing and I don't have to meet you I just know because everyone is! Find out how incredible you really! After all you will always have you, you will always be there for you, you will never leave you!
Love yourself and the love just comes back 10 times!!!
With my love,
Goddess Momma
For the Green Smoothie Challenge I am doing for the month of March I would love to inspire you with a few morning or anytime green smoothies:
Berry fields
1⁄2 apple
3 bananas
1⁄4 cup mix berries
1-1⁄2 cup greens (spinach, kale, celery)
1/2 cup ice and water each
Blend until smooth.
More amazing smoothies in The Garden Spot Cafe Recipe E-book!
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: e-book
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 4:25 PM 6 comments
I am asking anyone and everyone to assist or rather INSPIRE me in my 30 Days of Green Smoothies Challenge! Today is Day 2 and for my Inspiration for the month I would love to run a contest for the BEST Green Smoothie. I will be the guinne pig per say and try them all then Tweet, Blog and Facebook them all. I love all smoothies and I would love to test out what YOUR favorite smoothie is.
Guide Lines:
Fresh Greens ONLY and
Fresh Fruits ONLY and
Fresh Veggies ONLY
No powders or supplements
Just Fresh Whole Raw/Living Foods!
Send your recipes by Twitter, Email (, Text (702-539-3478) or whatever means you can!
I am sooo excited!!!
What will you receive for the BEST GREEN SMOOTHIE Ever:
Labels: Contest and Inspiration
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 10:56 AM 0 comments
For years I have been a big believer in learning through contrast. I love contrast how would I grow if everything was always working out. I recently taught an amazing inspirational raw food class. I came up with this simple to follow formula (available in our soon to be released recipe book) for creating delicious raw recipes anyone can follow and their food comes out wonderful.
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 10:17 PM 0 comments
On February 21, 2009 I was the instructor to an interactive raw food prep class. I love empowering others to do for themselves. People came over to a private home setting bringing their food prep utensils like Vita-Mixes and food processors. I had arranged the food according to taste, sweet, sour, salty, spicy and bitter, and gave everyone basic instructions. They were off to work and I think from the smiles and laughs they all had a good time and their food came out amazing! I even had a few sceptics that were won over and thanked me for the much needed inspiring healthy help.
I was in ahhhh the whole time realizing how simple raw food preparation is if a few basic ideas are followed. The Garden Spot Recipe Book will be out in 6 days and I am including my amazing easy to follow guide for creating your own live raw recipes simply and easily. Get more fresh raw foods into your life and ENJOY!
Raw Spinach Avocado dip
1 Avocado
1 cup Spinach
1/2 of a Orange fresh squeezed
1/2 Garlic or garlic seasoning
1/4 tea Salt
1 Stalk Celery
2 Green Onions
This is a blend, process or chop dip perfect for anyone in the mood to try something amazing and delicious. Serve up with some veggie sticks and ENJOY!
Labels: EXTRA RECIPE, Quick Thoughts
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 12:10 AM 2 comments
Over the next week:
Labels: Fresh Living News
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 10:43 PM 0 comments
One of my favorite quotes "get busy livin' or get busy dying" from the movie The Shawshank Redemption. I remember when I was in my teens, I felt lost and unsure of what direction I was suppose to go. I was making choices unconciously and I was not happy with the direction my life went. Now I can look back and I realize when my path in life changed to the BEST MOMENTS EVER was when I started living my life and finding a way to love every minute of it.
Labels: Quick Thoughts
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Self Satisfaction is a fabulous feeling. Whenever we are treading in unfamiliar territory like a new life style, such as eating a living foods/raw way, or creating a new habit, from day 6 to 10 we may stubble upon feelings of unfamiliarity and perhaps even fear. STOP and RELAX, know that you are not alone. These feeling are similar to those of when you ride a roller coaster. At first on the roller coast you may feel excitement, you are on the roller coast for the fun, right. The closer you get to the top of the first big hill, the more your excitement may turn to fear or maybe your stomache starts to get butterflies, you may even want to run, hide, of just get off. The first 6 to 10 days of a new life style or habit is the rising on your big hill in your roller coaster of life. You started because you were excited and inspired. Then after 6 to 10 days fear or doubt may start to set in and you may want to stop and run away from those feelings.
Labels: Quick Thoughts
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Many people ask me "why do I get so much gas or blotting eating a raw food diet?"
Labels: Quick Thoughts
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 9:28 PM 0 comments
I am sure everyone has a friend or perhaps even yourself that is not happy with their appearance. Whether they or you think your too fat, skinny, your legs are too big or small, its all negative thoughts towards a beautiful being such as yourself. Comments like this only create more of what you don't want. Take a break and consciously love at least one thing about yourself.
Labels: Quick Thoughts
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Neale Donald Walsh wrote:
"fun is not defined as the absence of challenging circumstances, but as the absence of anger about them."
Last month I decided I wanted to create a new habit of responding and NOT reacting to a situation I did not find favorable. I decided before I started my 30 practice of calm responsiveness what I would do instead of my former anger reaction. I decided I would stop and ask myself is what I am about to get angry over worth the effort and acid in my body? Once I started my practice and as I started to become angry I stopped myself and ask my question and every time my answer was. . . NO. My mind would start to think of how special this person is and how much I love myself and love to feel calm. During my 30 days I only became angry 4 times! WOW a record for me.
Acid from anger or rage is worse for your digestion than anything you may eat. Give yourself a gift and practice something you want for yourself and not what you don't want. It only takes 21-23 days to create a new habit and a life time of personal progression!
Here's to your new positive habit in your life and remember the fun comes in how you take in the challenges in your life.
Life is a journey ENJOY the ride!
Fruity Green Goddess Momma
Labels: Quick Thoughts
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Quick Thoughts
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 10:50 PM 0 comments
1 Thai-young coconut meat and milk
Labels: Monthly Fruity Green Family Video and Recipes
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Currently in my life I love to take responsibility for what anyone says or does "to" me. I started a live/raw food delivery service to give and offer others a delicious healthy mean to their home AND to raise the financial abundance I want to open a raw cafe and have a live raw food show. As life goes, months ago when I was searching for investors I was frustrated and could not find one. In January I choose to take a new approach and let go and create the delivery food service and raise the finances myself.
A week after I had started the delivery service I was demonstrating at Whole Foods Market and a beautiful lady approached me with an offer to partake in a 30 Fresh food and Yoga Challenge at Bikram Yoga Las Vegas. She even called the same night to give me the owner's number. Since then I have been on a roller coaster ride of plenty of business and long hours of getting what I asked for. I even have potential investors for the cafe. Even the employees and owners of the studio have been so supportive and accommodating to myself and my business. Now I am only taking orders from the studio because I am so full. By letting go and following my passion my dreams are coming true.
As the roller coaster goes, I was having an extremely busy week last week and so drained of personal energy and clarity, I felt out of the flow. So naturally life show me my doubts and fears. 2 days ago I receive a text from a friend who also is in the raw business and she informed me that others had asked her if she was not upset about the situation of me running a food biz out of my home and taking from her? She healed her fears and was letting me know. I was so tired I reacted through tears. Sometimes I really cannot understand why others want to place themselves in others business. I am so big on minding our business and not others. At times I feel like a child that cannot understand why the parent is angry with them. When it comes to my friends, or really anyone, my intention is always good and well and I want only the best for all. I took this as a time to stop, rest and reflect on why I attracted this.
I welcomed my fears and doubts and realized there is only love and I love my friend and the others who said those things, we are all in this time, space, reality together and I love them all for sharing and giving me a chance to cry, rest, reflect and move more towards my dream. I love to look at fears and ask myself what is the worst that could happen? When I ask this question I can see that the worst thing is nothing and all is well and works out for the best! I am back in the flow and life is wonderful! I am in deep appreciation to all and especially to my friend she is amazing!
In appreciation of you, my viewers, and with LOVE,
Fruity Green Goddess Momma
For a restful afternoon enjoy a:
Quick and Tasty
Tomato and cucumber dill salad
Desired amount of tomatoes I use 4 or so, chopped
1 cucumber, chopped
1/2 red onion, chopped
dried dill
1 garlic clove crushed
1/2 avocado
a little, lemon, lime, or OJ
Toss salad together and sit back relax and ENJOY!
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Biggest question I ever get where do you get your protein?! I want to say that the sales personal that sold this country the "protein" myth did a fabulous job. I like to take questions and logically question them from a common sense approach.
1st) do I know anyone or every met anyone with a protein deficiency? NO (and I meet tons of people) and you could tell if they did. So no worries here, the average american exceeds 6%.
2nd) Babies need the most protein for support during brain developement and breast milk (the best form of food for baby) is around 6-8% protein. So as a grown adult 6% is more than enough. No worries here eating 6 peices of fruit will give you at least 6%.
3rd) where does muscle come from, protein? NO sorry guys and gals it does NOT come from eating protein like meat which by the way is mostly fat, muscle comes from resistance. With weights or body weight, muscle is build from resistance and protein is for repair. AND the best most assumable protein for humans is . . . . .GREEN LEAVES (spinach, kale, romaine, collards, Swiss chard, etc). Easiest way to get the forgotten greens into your body, GREEN SMOOTHIES and a few body resistant excersises for the muscle and you are GREAT to GO!!!
HOW: I like to go to Trader Joe's or Costco or Whole Foods Market get some organic spinach and organic (very important organic still has the minerals and no pesticides) celery and organic banana and blend with water and ice. I use 1 stalk of celery, 1 handful of spinach and 4 ripe spotted bananas, sometimes I may add some berries. I love the stuff. In the beginning I used only a little greens and now I add more and more. I love them and they are sooo good for your body and the smoothie even tastes amazing.
Here's to your pro-teen cuz I am for teens, they are the only pro-teens worth thinkin about!
fruity green goddess momma
Labels: Quick Thoughts
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 9:39 PM 0 comments
I wanted to offer more for those of you creating a fresh food path or just adding MORE fresh foods into your diet. I/we love providing you with delicious living food recipes, videos and INSPIRATIONS hopefully inspiring you along the way. In addition I wanted to give you MORE (cuz I am a giver)- I will be providing you with short daily loving thoughts to assist you even more with fun story/thoughts to inspire, inspire, inspire. AND Since I am sooo auditory I will be providing Ustream live feed videos nightly and utterli voice messages. I am so excited about live videos, I only wish we could connect face to face so feel free to email me/us and then we can: AND if you still want more we are soon to be on Twitter and Facebook so we can really keep in touch. WOW how great is the internet!?! Constant contact from us to you and you to us.
Welcome and with Living Love,
Fruity Green Momma
Labels: Quick Thoughts
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Life is full of adjustments. New jobs, new baby, new love, new way of eating-lifestyle changes in general, that is what keeps the universe in constant flow and gives way to our creativity. I love change I thrive on and in it. I recently spoke with a lovely lady who happens to be a Bikram Yoga instructor at Birkram Yoga Las Vegas, she was eating an all raw/live diet for a few days and teaching yoga. She told me she felt weak and had a drastic low in energy while on the raw diet. After a conversation with her, her and I both realized she was not getting enough calories in her body for the amount of calories she was burning. Each of us burns a different amount of calories depending on our activity and body type. Simple carbohydrates like fruit, bananas, mangoes, watermelon, etc. are the best way to get enough calories into your diet.
I like to drink a green smoothie made with 60-70% organic fruit, 4 bananas, and 30-40% greens, spinach, kale, celery, collard greens, for the first meal I partake of in the day. The fruits insure I get enough calories to get off and going for the day and vitamins and the greens give my body the minerals and sodium for repair and replacement. Leafy Greens are a great source of protein for the body and yet they have very little calorie content. While bananas and mangoes have the calories to help your body stay active. Both are essential for the body and work perfectly together.
Here is a little nutritional information from Nutridiary about kale, romaine, bananas, and mangoes
1 cup chopped Kale:
Amounts per 67g
Calories 33.5
Calories From Fat 3.5
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0.5g
Saturated Fat 0.1g 3%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 28.8mg 1%
Total Carbohydrate 6.7g
Dietary Fiber 1.3g
Sugars 0g 3%
Protein 2.2g 7%
Vitamin A 206% Vitamin C 134%
Calcium 9% Iron 6%
1/2 cup shredded Romaine leaves
Amounts per 28g
Calories 4.8
Calories From Fat 0.6
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0.1g
Saturated Fat 0g 1%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 2.2mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 0.9g
Dietary Fiber 0.6g
Sugars 0.3g 0%
Protein 0.3g 1%
Vitamin A 33% Vitamin C 11%
Calcium 1% Iron 2%
1 cup sliced Bananas
Amounts per 150g
Calories 133.5
Calories From Fat 4
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0.5g
Saturated Fat 0.2g 4%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 1.5mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 34.3g
Dietary Fiber 3.9g
Sugars 18.3g 14%
Protein 1.6g 5%
Vitamin A 2% Vitamin C 22%
Calcium 1% Iron 2%
1 cup sliced Mangoes
Amounts per 165g
Calories 107.2
Calories From Fat 3.6
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0.4g
Saturated Fat 0.1g 3%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 3.3mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 28g
Dietary Fiber 3g
Sugars 24.4g 11%
Protein 0.8g 3%
Vitamin A 25% Vitamin C 76%
Calcium 2% Iron 1%
Bottom line if you are entering a new lifestyle such as a Whole Fresh Living Lifestyle you CAN succeed if it is really something you want. This is your body and your process and you are not alone we are all connected and if or when you need help there are is always others who have been there, done that and are always ready to lend a creative tip or suggestion.
When you are frustrated or feeling lost sit down a minute, take a deep breathe and remember you have all the creativity you need to succeed. Remind yourself that the answers with show up and create a possibility happening. You will always be there for you and all the answers are within you, you can just relax and allow it to happen.
All is well and I am here for your success too!
In peace and wellness,
ENJOY a bit O' Chowder to success:
Bowl O' Chowder
by Darlene
1 cup of cashews blended with 1 cup young coconut water
1/2 cup of young coconut meat
2-5 cloves of garlic
1/4 cup whole dulse
3 celery stalks
piece of onion
2 TB lemon juice
hot pepper if desire to taste
1 TB honey, Agave, dates, etc
sea salt if you like or more dulse or kelp powder
Blend well
Now you can add avocado, chopped carrots, mushrooms, and/or any other veggies you desire
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 1:33 PM 0 comments
I did a creative fresh food demo at Whole Foods Market yesterday. I was going to create a banana creme with fresh fruit jam. However, Whole Foods was out of Thai coconuts so of course raw foods as it is, is so easy to improvise. Instead I made Cashew Creme, like a whip cream, and it was a hit so I am loving you with this extra recipe to create and love yourself!!! ENJOY with SWEET Hugs, Kisses and lots of LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 11:51 AM 2 comments
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 8:14 PM 2 comments
This week at Whole Foods Market in Las Vegas, NV I am demonstrating creating fresh live/raw salad's with delicious fresh dressing. I am also getting ready for next week when I will be delivering fresh raw meals to those interested in a live/raw days worth of meals here locally in Las Vegas/Henderson NV. I have always loved creating, cooking, and preparing amazing food for others. I myself was raised in a standard American home eating anything I cared to. My mom bought us candy, ice cream, and any other junk of any kind and the alike for Blake and his family. I did learn how to cook by the age of 5 years and always loved it, although many of the ingredients I cooked with were frozen or canned. Still my dad always loved my foods more than my mother's, whom did NOT like to cook and it always showed. We did have a garden but most of our food was cooked and nothing like a real healthy salad was ever served or was made by me for years (until I was 29 years old). Fresh never seemed too important even when I was cooked Vegan.
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 6:56 PM 0 comments
I promise this is the best salad!!
Fruity Green Family's Kinky Kale Salad
1 Cup of Orange Juice
5-6 Dates
1/2 raisins
2 garlic cloves
1 celery
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup good cold-press olive oil or 1/4 to 1/2 avocado
1/4 tea of cheyenne or to taste
sea salt if you care
Blend very well until creamy!
2 whole bunches of organic kale
2-4 tomatoes
1 cucumber
1 red or yellow bell pepper
red or green onion
Chop all the salad ingredients and toss with dressing ENJOY!!!
Labels: Monthly Fruity Green Family Video and Recipes
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 9:14 AM 3 comments
I was recently listening to an amazing author by the name of Gregg Braden on the possibilities with in our present moment and future. One of many of the many comments he made and I so loved (I am paraphrasing) "is when your belief systems are working for you keep doing what your doing. I am simply offering you other possibilities to keep so if or when you feel your belief system is not working for you the ideas that I am presenting to you may be possibilities of ideas to replace them." Our Fruity Green Family blog is designed to offer you possibilities (one of my favorite words) of nourishing your body as well as your mind.
Posted by Fruity Green Family at 12:46 PM 0 comments
![]() A whole food diet is the key to a long and healthy life. New recommendations encourage consuming more fruits, vegetables and whole grains every day. This is easily accomplished by eating terrific-tasting, nutrient-rich whole food meals made in the Vita-Mix machine. Imagine...
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